Category: DevOps

7 Tech Trends for 2019

2019 Trends Part 1 2018 was a big year for us with significant progress in our agile transformation and digital transformation practices. Culture continues to be a big part of the impact on our organization, and on how we impact our customer partners. This year, I’ve broken up the conversation into two parts, one on technology (my first […]

Speaking at the Volvo Business Analysis Professional Development Day 2018

I’m pretty excited that our customer, Volvo Trucks, has asked me to speak at their upcoming event titled Business Analysis Professional Development Day 2018. From their flyer: During this Development Day, the development, challenges, and required skills of the 21st century Business Analyst will be examined. Andrea Tetto, (SVP Commercial Support) will highlight the business […]

How to Build a Successful DevOps Culture Within Your Organization

The technology industry is rapidly changing, and software development teams must change along with it. In the past, software development teams had siloed organizations, with one team focusing on development, another focused on quality assurance testing, and a completely separate group focused on operations and infrastructure. This created a linear process of development, QA, and […]

Featured in Better Software Magazine Cover Story

  I was recently published as the featured cover story on Better Software Magazine’s April 2018 issue. I wrote about migrating an organization to DevOps and how it not only requires adoption of new processes, tools, and automation but also relies ondramatic culture change to encourage total transparency and collaboration among all project stakeholders.