Category: Culture

Iei date, pui date

I was talking with some colleagues in Romania this week about some team members who needed help understanding some of the fundamental I/0 aspects of a project. I was talking about how that’s all the project was about. It was data data being sent and received. We use terms like endpoints, algorithms, and APIs, along […]

The Strategic Value of Including Non-Essential Features in Software Development

In the dynamic world of software development, it’s not just about building what’s essential for your customers. Sometimes, it’s wise to include non-essential features that might not see immediate usage. One such example is the often-requested but infrequently utilized feature of single-sign-on, also known as Enterprise Login. This approach might sound counterintuitive, but let’s explore […]

Presenting “What’s Your End Game” to the Launch Challenge Cohort

I presented my new “What’s Your End Game?” deck to the Launch Challenge group at the Forsyth Tech Small Business Center last week. It was a highly engaged group with loads of great questions. They were really interested in both the bookkeeping hygiene topics and my favorite slide that addresses the importance of culture in […]

Honesty Acquisition

One of the first things you realize when you start the process of selling your business is the importance of keeping secrets. You don’t want people to get upset when you’re only thinking about something. So you start making a lot of phone calls and video conferences behind closed doors. You even start doing some […]

2019 Trends Part 2: Technology Impacting Culture and Society

Last week I stuck to technology and how our approach is changing to build the best software experiences we’ve ever built. This week I’m changing gears a little to talk about culture, a subject you know I’m passionate about. More so, I’ll talk about how we as software technology professionals can impact society on the […]

7 Tech Trends for 2019

2019 Trends Part 1 2018 was a big year for us with significant progress in our agile transformation and digital transformation practices. Culture continues to be a big part of the impact on our organization, and on how we impact our customer partners. This year, I’ve broken up the conversation into two parts, one on technology (my first […]

A Developer’s Job Security Paradox: The Risks of Choosing a “Safe” Career

It’s debated so often, psychologists should call it the Developer’s Dilemma: do I choose the stability and stagnation of a product-focused company, or the risk and variety of working for a services firm? There are only two options to choose and yet both feel like polar opposites. Oddly though, each answer somehow feels equally smart, […]