Today, let’s delve into a crucial topic that affects all of us in software development. It’s about finding the right balance between software development velocity and maintaining high-quality standards. In the fast-paced realm of technology, speed often takes the spotlight. Agile methodologies have encouraged us to race forward, aiming to churn out features and updates […]
Category: QA
Podcast: The Cultural Impacts of DevOps on QA
I sat down with Noel Wurst from the Tricentis Continuous Testing Live Podcast at the DevOps East Conference in Orlando to talk about how the culture impacts of DevOps impact QAs in software development. He was really interested in my perspective on how the QA’s role is changing thanks to the impact of DevOps on the […]
3 Ways Automated Tests Make Your Software Shine
The word “test” doesn’t usually draw excitement out of people. Many refer to their days of school and shudder at the thought of the midterm or final exam. While many throw away their proverbial flashcards after graduation, others deal with tests on a day to day basis. One such group of individuals are quality assurance […]
Top Reasons Your Software Idea Needs Test Case Management
Albert Einstein is often attributed with saying that the definition of insanity is doing something over and over again while expecting a different result. Well, for software professionals, this can ring true in testing. In a world, not so long ago, testing software consisted of having a power user (such as a customer service representative) intentionally […]